This page contains instructions on how to apply for an operational authorisation for the ‘specific’ category.
You can apply for an operational authorisation in the ‘specific’ category either based on a predefined risk assessment (PDRA) published by EASA or your own specific operations risk assessment (SORA). In both instances, the applicant must complete the application form and send it to Traficom at and You must always attach an Operations Manual as well as other documents proving that you meet the requirements for the application. These include the characterisation and conditions table of the PDRA or the SORA risk assessment along with any documents supporting the requirements derived from the results of the risk assessment.
The authorisation is subject to a fee, and the fee is based on the decree on fees charged for transport-related services provided by Traficom. Visit the Traficom page on prices and fees (External link) for further information.
1. Before applying for an operational authorisation in the ‘specific’ category, you should explore whether the operation could be carried out in accordance with the ‘open’ category rules. This would exempt you from the separate operational authorisation subject to an annual fee and allow you to start operations immediately, provided that you comply with the ‘open’ category rules and take into account airspace restrictions. See the ‘open’ category rules by clicking the link below, and check whether you could carry out your operation in accordance with them.
2. If the operator is unable to carry out operations in accordance with ‘open’ category rules, they must apply for an operational authorisation. Before completing the application, the operator should check whether they could apply for the authorisation based on a predefined risk assessment (PDRA), which contains predefined boundary conditions of the operations and the related risks. Applications based on the PDRA are also easier to complete and process. Click the link below to find out more about the PDRA.
3. If the operation cannot be carried out in accordance with the published PDRAs, the operational authorisation must be applied for based on the operator’s own SORA risk assessment. Click the link below for further information on the SORA risk assessment and its requirements.
The operational authorisation application and its attachments must be supplied to Traficom at least three (3) months PDRA or five (5) months SORA prior to the planned start of operations.
If the operation involves flying over assemblies of people or transporting people or dangerous goods, the operation falls under the ‘certified’ category, the legislation pertaining to which remains incomplete on the EU level. The standards concerning the ‘certified’ category have not yet been published, meaning that authorisations for this category cannot currently be issued.